Posted in bullet journal

February plan with me

Welcome to the (slightly) late February plan with me. I was hoping to have this out before today, but as I predicted I might, my February set up was only finished yesterday – so what can you do! Here’s to getting March’s out before the beginning of March… Normally I would try and start these posts with a very brief review of the pages I used last month, however because my January one was so late, it had some of the reviews in it, but watch out for next months, when you’ll see how these pages went for me! So anyhow, without further ado:

My hello February page. So, this was not how I envisioned this page, well, it sort of is, but it was supposed to be without the washi. But guess what – I went wrong! The first time I wrote February I hated it, I missed part of the U and they Y, it was too bunched together and not central in the page. The welcome was also off centre; basically, it upset me when I looked at it. Thus, in true Kayleigh style, I found a way of loving it again. I covered the original February with two strips of washi and slightly curved the edges. I chose this washi because you can’t see through it, and it kind of fitted my colour scheme. I put an arrow next to the Welcome and rewrote February below. And behold, a page I can feel proud of: Continue reading “February plan with me”